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Playlista: Purple Disco Machine rozpoczyna nowy cykl Inside Story

Playlista: Purple Disco Machine rozpoczyna nowy cykl Inside Story

Purple Disco Machine Going. bilety Inside Story Praga Centrum

Niemiecki producent Purple Disco Machine zagra w piątek w Pradze Centrum. Rozpocznie on nowy cykl Inside Story.

Tym razem nie techno, a funk, disco i house. Purple Disco Machine doskonale wie, jaką selekcję zapodać, żeby podczas imprezy ludzie nie schodzili z parkietu ani na minutę. Będzie lekko, przyjemnie i melodyjnie. Wpadajcie dzisiaj do Pragi Centrum, a na biforek łapcie plejlistę, którą przygotował dla nas artysta!

Purple Disco Machine – Emotion

A record I’ve played every week since its release many months ago and the crowd reaction every week is still just amazing.

The Vision – Heaven

One of the best tracks this summer and also in most of my DJ sets. Mousse T did a brilliant job remixing this.

Mind Enterprises – Monogamy

Italo Disco made in 2019. This French guy is such a talent.

Crush Club – My Man

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Absolute funk monster with sweet vocals from New York based Crush Club. He’s also an amazing performer and I was proud to have him feature on my debut album Soulmatic.

Monolink – Take ME Home (Purple Disco Machine Remix)

One of my favorite remixes that I’ve ever done. Totally different from what I usually do. Brings the summer back.

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