Playlista: Dreamcrusher z soundtrackiem do nihilistyczno-queerowej rewolty

Dreamcrusher to na pewno jeden z wyróżniających się projektów tegorocznego Unsoundu. Nowojorczycy dadzą swój porywający występ już jutro.
Dreamcrusher to noise’owo-industrialny zespół, który opisuje swoją twórczość jako „nihilistyczno-queerową muzykę buntu”. Manggha, wydarzenie Gaze, nie przegapcie tego, bo formacja z Nowego Jorku bardzo mocno angażuje do swoich występów publiczność. Z pewnością będzie to wieczór godny zapamiętania!
Tricky – Makes Me Wanna Die
Tricky was one of the artists that changed my life.
Dionne Farris – Hopeless
It’s fall in NYC and Love Jones always makes me think of fall. Also her voice is amazing.
Jandek – I’m Ready
Jandek was one of those elusive figures in music that I thought either didn’t really exist or was dead. But they’re alive and live in a cave of my imagination.
Les Rallizes Denudes – Romance of the Black Grief
One of the greatest bands of all time.
Blacknecks – Hotline
I really love when two giants of techno come together and makes something completely fucked. All their releases are insane.
KINO – ???
One of the first bands that exposed me to punk from the rest of the world. Specifically east Europe and Asia. I don’t know what they’re saying but it’s such a beautiful triumphant track.
Hugh Harris – Rhythm of Life
This track always makes me feel like a kid again, and Uncle buck. And pancakes.
Ramleh – Hole In The Heart
One of those iconic noise bands that is old and still performs but doesn’t suck. Broken flag changed my life.
Solange – Things I Imagined / Down with the Clique
Takes me back to my childhood watching kids ride horses in my neighborhood and my aisters listening to La Chat while getting ready to go to the club. The visuals, the sound clashes, her voice and harmonies. Fucking brilliant.
No Trend – Human Garbage
One of the many bands that expanded my thoughts one what genre means and what music is or isn’t. Antagonistic and brilliant.
Harry Pussy – I Don’t Care About Sleep Anymore
Probably the first noise band I fell in love with. I think I was eleven when I first heard this one my friends shitty tape player during lunch, LMAO.
Unsound Festival rozpoczął się w niedzielę 6 października i potrwa tydzień.